(Image credit: Pixabay image by Alexas_Fotos) He scurries between pews, as silver window light washes over the feet of the Virgin Mary and illuminates stained glass.…
This post is part of my ongoing fiction workshop series. You can see all of the previous segments in this series at the bottom of…
If you’re like a lot of fiction writers, the words sometimes come flowing out of you, and all you have to do is harness that…
Sierra walks the remote trail. The forest is alive with sound–the crying of scrub jays, the steady, monotonous hum of june bugs, and the purring…
Nathan looks out at the falls. How different they look from here, where air and light are close, protected and strange. Moments ago he was…
It was our tree. We climbed to the highest branches to see distant lands. We hid from bandits. We soared over mountains with our twin engine’s propellers…
Elsie stepped quietly out the door into the night. The nearest town was five miles. She would keep to the ditches, shrubs and furrows, ready…
Between me and the milky way there is space. Between you and the milky way there is space. You watch its clusters of heavenly stars,…
Crystal watched lightning crackle through cumulus clouds like the fire of fighting dragons. A squadron of four pelicans sailed in line over the water’s surface…
The drifters came upon the dusty Oklahoma town off Route 66 on a gray October afternoon. They were hungry and tired, and were just barely…