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More from my travels – the beach

Kids on the beach

Oh, how I love the beach! And so do my kids!


Beach Wednesday has so far been about my travels to California and Oregon. I can’t help it. I grew up in Oregon and I lived in California for a very long time. My kids were all born there. We have a family cabin there. You may think I’m insane for living in Minnesota, but this is where my life is now. (And by the way, we do have 10,000 lakes, so I’ll eventually post my Minnesota beach pictures. There’s nothing about the word “beach” that says it has to be an ocean beach!)

This set of pictures is from a trip to southern California with the kids four years ago. We had never been to Disneyland, so we flew into LA and spent three days having fun and doing theme parks before we drove north.

But the very first thing we did was to hit the beach. This is my older daughter. Can you tell she’s a Pisces?


We used to live in North-Central California, and our cabin is in the far Northern coast of California. You pretty much need a wet suit to be comfortable in the water up there. So, when we got to the warm Los Angeles beach, the kids went nuts!



My goal is always to get at least one good shot of them all jumping in the air together. One… two… three… JUMP!


Naturally, they had to get in deep!


Oh yes! We also saw mermaid while we were there. Don’t ask. What can I say, that’s Southern California for you.


Several days and 700 miles later, we got to our cabin and spent about five days there. The air temperature on the beach near our cabin probably averages about 60 degrees in the summer. And there is some bodacious fog!

Remind me to tell you about the time we threw my parents’ ashes from a giant cliff above the sea. Or maybe not. Anyway, that happened at this beach. Interesting times. (I’m just testing to see if anyone actually reads this!)


Thanks for reading! I’d like to thank @negativer for his inspiration. He posts amazing pictures of Florida beaches on Wednesdays and totally inspires me. Check out the enormous cumulus clouds in this post.

Okay, back to writing fiction. Plus I’m over-due for an installment in my “Words to Learn” series and my Writing Workshop series. I’ve been too busy writing to write about writing!

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