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August 2021 Short Story Writing Prompt from Write Club

Fantasy sci fi portal to another world

Fantasy sci fi portal to another world
Image source: KELLEPICS on Pixabay

Hello and welcome to Write Club! In this post you can learn a little about who we are, and our monthly short story prompts. You are welcome to use our writing prompts to inspire your own creativity. If you’re a writer who is committed to the craft of short fiction and are looking for an ongoing fiction writing workshop, you are welcome to check us out.

Write Club is a small group of fiction writers who love the craft of short story writing. Each month we write a short story from a writing prompt, and then review each other’s stories and improve our work based on feedback from the other members. Our goal is to submit our polished stories for evaluation by professional mainstream publications.

Invitation to Short Story Writers

If you are a writer of short fiction, we welcome you to follow us and watch for our monthly writing prompts.

To connect with us and check out our workshop, just pop in as a visitor to our Discord channel and tell us about your interests. We will ask you a few questions and see if it seems like we’re a good fit for your writing journey!

This month’s writing prompt

That brings us to the prompt! For the month of August 2021, Write Club members must write a story based on this prompt: re-entry.

This is a prompt that offers many possible interpretations. For example, several great sci fi story lines immediately come to mind. But there are so many others as well. There can be a re-entry when someone wants to re-join the dating world after losing their spouse. There can be re-entry into society after time in prison, or re-entry into the working world for a woman who has spent a number of years raising children.

Tell us a story. Bring us characters who experience re-entry conflicts that must be resolved. And settings that bring your story to life.

Where will your imagination take you?

Get your engines running

Start thinking about who will populate your story, and how they might seek to overcome what they are facing. The more your conscious and sub-conscious brain are working on developing your MC (main character), and defining the scenario that has brought us to the time and place of this story, the sooner your story will take shape.

You could write out some loglines – one-sentence story plots – and then choose the one that resonates the most with you. Or join our discussion on Discord and get input on which idea seems like the most promising one to move forward.

Looking for Writing Resources?

I love to share tips and ideas about creative writing! Here are two treasure troves for you:

  • You can find many of my tips and resources on my website, in the On Writing section.
  • I also share writing tips in The Ink Well community on Hive. See the complete catalog for the full list of writing tips.

Have fun and keep writing.