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March 2021 Fiction Writing Prompt from Write Club

Dragonfly and web

Dragonfly and web

Image source: AdinaVoicu on Pixabay

Greetings from Write Club! In this post you can learn a little bit about who we are. But most importantly, if you are a writer of short fiction, we welcome you to follow us and watch for our monthly writing prompts. If you’re looking for a writer’s workshop, connect with us!

This post provides an intro to how we work, as well as the prompt of the month. You are welcome to write a story for the prompt, whether or not you are interested in joining Write Club. If you would like to share it with us, simply post your short story on Hive or Medium, and share your link in the comments to this post.

What Is Write Club?

We are a small group of serious fiction writers with origins on the Hive blockchain (formerly Steem). Our common ground is that we are committed to writing and polishing stories for publication in mainstream publishing outlets. We write one short story every month, and workshop our stories together to improve our work. Several of us are actively polishing and submitting our stories to mainstream publications. We can also support you in that goal.

Our writers have a range of fiction writing experience, from workshoppers to MFAs and published writers, who are mastering the craft of fiction writing and want the accountability of a group and deadlines to keep us on track.

Invitation to Short Story Writers

You are welcome to check us out. You are also welcome to use our prompts for stories you want to publish on Hive, Medium, Narrative or other self-publishing venue.

If you want to connect with us, just comment on this post or pop in as a visitor to our Discord channel and tell us about your interests. We will ask you a few questions and see if it seems like we’re a good fit for your writing journey!

This month’s writing prompt

That brings us to the prompt! For the month of March 2021, Write Club members must write a story based on this prompt: insects.

What will you do with it?

You could write a story about ants disrupting a picnic date and how it reveals something about the characters and whether they have a future together. Or you could write the story of a child who is able to converse with butterflies. And of course an apocalyptic story about an invasion of locusts could be intriguing!

Where will your imagination take you?

Get your engines running

Start thinking about your story’s conflict, who is experiencing it, and how they might seek to overcome what they are facing. The more your conscious and sub-conscious brain are working on developing your MC (main character), and defining the scenario that has brought us to the time and place of this story, the sooner your story will take shape.

You could write out some loglines – one-sentence story plots – and then choose the one that resonates the most with you. Or join our discussion on Discord and get input on which idea seems like the most promising one to move forward.

Looking for Writing Resources?

I love to share tips and ideas about creative writing! Here are two treasure troves for you:

  • You can find many of my tips and resources on my website, in the On Writing section.
  • I also share weekly writing tips from The Ink Well on Hive. See the latest tip for the complete list.

Have fun!