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Short Story Writers: Your Writing Prompt for September

Source: KELLEPICS on Pixabay

It’s that time again! Every month the Write Club group starts the month with a fresh writing prompt. We use that prompt to develop short stories over the course of the next 30 days, with support and feedback from our workshop group.

Additionally, we invite others to take part if they choose. In this post you can learn a little about Write Club and decide if you have an interest in participating. If not, you are still welcome to write a story for the prompt. If you would like to share it with us, simply post your short story on Hive or Medium, and share your link in the comments to this post.

What Is Write Club?

We are a small group of serious fiction writers who are committed to writing and polishing stories for publication in mainstream publishing outlets. The goal is to develop and workshop one short story every month, with the goal of preparing it for submission to the publisher of our choice. (And we have resources to help you find one.)

Our writers have a range of fiction writing experience, from workshoppers to MFAs and published writers, who are mastering the craft of fiction writing and want the accountability of a group and deadlines to keep us on track.

Our Monthly Schedule

It goes like this:

  • We issue a writing prompt at the beginning of the month.
  • In 10 days we write the first draft. Then we read one another’s work and provide feedback.
  • We have another week to refine our stories. Then we review again.
  • By the end of the month, we complete a third draft.

Those in the group enjoy the commitment to goals, deadlines and the editing process because it pushes us to write and polish our work on a cadence.

Invitation to Short Story Writers

You are welcome to check us out. You are also welcome to use this process to improve your writing quality overall, and get stories ready to post on Steem, Hive, Medium, Narrative or other self-publishing venue.

You can find more information about how to join Write Club in this article on Medium, along with a link to our Discord channel where we converse and manage all of our deadlines and reviews. You can also private message @jayna on Discord for more information.

This month’s writing prompt

That brings us to the prompt! For the month of September 2020, Write Club members must write a story based on this prompt: invasion.

Now, we all know this word has many meanings. Your story could involve an invasion of aliens, an invasion of locusts or other creepy critters, an invasion of annoying relatives who have come to town for a wedding, or an invasion of privacy. We will have fun with this one!

Get your engines running

Start thinking about your story’s conflict, who is experiencing it, and how they might seek to overcome what they are facing. The more your conscious and sub-conscious brain are working on developing your MC (main character), and defining the scenario that has brought us to the time and place of this story, the sooner your story will take shape.

You could write out some loglines – one-sentence story plots – and then choose the one that resonates the most with you.

Have fun!