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PhotoFest from SteemFest3

Okay, there’s no time to write blog posts here at SteemFest3! They have us going from morning until late into the evening (aka after midnight). Yesterday some of my room mates didn’t get home until 4 a.m. I was the early bird, getting to bed at 2:30.

Anyway, without further ado, I’ll post a few pics from Krakow and some of the wonderful people I’ve met. I will try to write another post about some of the super cool stuff — from apps to cool initiatives for expanding Steem to a wider, mainstream audience — but there are plenty of great posts out there. Just be sure to check the #steemfest tag.

Krakow is a Beautiful City!

Krakow Skyline

Curscate and Nomadicsoul
Navigating Krakow with roomies @coruscate and @nomadicsoul

The first thing to do after getting to my AirBnB apartment (arranged by the most awesome @anomadsoul), was to walk to the venue with two of my room mates — @coruscate and @nomadicsoul. Krakow is an old city and has some lovely ancient architecture. I captured this moment when a horse-drawn carriage clopped by.

The sense of anticipation about everything that was to come was immense, but there was quite a bit to see along the way.

Also, they are seasoned world travelers and we are all talkers, so we kept stopping to chat and take pictures, and had to remind ourselves that we had somewhere to go!

@coruscate and @nomadicsoul in Krakow

This bridge is amazing. There are sculptures of acrobats suspended above it.

Bridge in Krakow
Bridge over Kistula River

Of course I got the girls to pose. Sorry it’s a bit blurry!

Coruscate and Nomadicsoul
@nomadicsoul and @coruscate

Opening night and opening sessions

I cannot begin to describe how spectacular it is to meet people in person that you’ve followed, admired and gotten to know through online communities. And of course you meet many new people too. I’ve experienced this same thing at Steemit meetups — you meet people for the first time that you instantly connect with because you have this amazing thing in common.

Let’s just say there was a lot of hugging all around. There is absolutely nothing like it.

Exyle and Bianca
@exyle and the lovely Bianca
@el-cr and @evecab
@el-cr and @evecab

These are people from all over the world. I learned that there were 47 countries represented at SteemFest3. Phenomenal!



@roelandp, our fabulous MC
Interview with Ned
Interview with Ned

Okay that’s it for now. This post is getting too long and I’m running off to the next thing. More soon!

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