Image credit: Picture by Skeeze on Pixabay Brussels sprouts heap next to round green bulbs of kohlrabi. Fat purple and red carrots embarrass their common…
“Time to go, Harrison!” The sun lowered, orange-gold across the water, illuminating the rushes. A breeze and a flapping of mallard wings shared the day’s…
One night Helen left the window ajar to let in the late September breeze. She had chosen this little yellow stucco house by the sea…
This post is part of a series describing interesting, slightly uncommon words, and how to use them. Image credit: Pixabay I love words, and love…
(Photo credit: @agsttne) The road from Bozeman to Fargo is flat and lifeless. Rudy is determined to get the long drive behind them. He pushes the…
It’s time again for some fun with words! I love to ratchet up my vocabulary, both for conversational purposes and of course for fiction writing.…
Image source: CBS New York Sonya slept that morning, catching up. It was the sleep of angels, floating on a puff of clouds and feathers.…
The family climbed up the steep dune, which muffled all but a muted bellow of waves. Finally, they crested the rise where cloud-clad sun, gulls,…
Welcome to “Words to Learn”. This series is about sharing fabulous vocabulary words that are simply fun to know, whether you would like to enrich…
Photo credit: Pixabay To everyone’s surprise, they came by hot air balloon–quietly, one by one. There were no spaceships. There was no whirring or bleeping.…