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October 2024 Writing Prompt and Workshop Info from Write Club

Image source: Pexels on Pixabay

Why do we write? And what gets us writing? Perhaps it is different for all of us, but I believe that at our core, we all want to make magic happen on paper. We want words to come to life in stories that captivate readers’ minds and hearts and make them want more, more more.

I love my Write Club group because I have a go-to group that will tell me whether I am hitting the mark or not. They tell me when the words ring true and tell the story effectively, and when they are off the mark and need work. (And yes, we are open to new members!) In this blog post, I’ll share a little information about our group, tell you our new prompt of the month, and provide some inspiration.

Let’s start with the prompt of the month!

Write Club’s October, 2024 Writing Prompt

For the month of October, 2024, Write Club members must write a story based on this prompt: fall harvest. And anyone else who chooses to do so can write for this prompt as well.

What might you do with this prompt? Great question. You could write a really creepy horror story that uses the word “harvest” in a way that disgusts and delights horror readers. You could write about a family that has had their fields flooded by a hurricane storm surge, just as they were getting ready to harvest their crops. You could write a story that celebrates farm life, with a small boy at the center of the autumn harvest activities wanting desperately to grow up and be the farmer at harvest time.

I hope that helps you get started on some ideas!

A great way to get started crafting your own ideas is to write out some loglines — one-sentence story plots — and then choose the one that resonates the most with you. Or write down a few potential storylines and then step away and let them simmer. Most likely, one will emerge as the most promising one to move forward.

Get Your Motor Running

Another great way to get started on a story is to select a character, a setting and a conflict — something your character wants or is struggling with, or a sudden drama. Once you have those pieces in place, your story will begin to take shape.

Not sure where to begin? Here’s a jump start for you. Pick one item from each category below — in any combination — and see if it gets your creativity flowing.

Character Setting Conflict
A farmer A big red barn Financial ruin
The daughter of a farmer An evening by the fire A desire to leave the farm
A farm wife The fields after a flood An affair
A farm worker An auction of the farm assets An oncoming storm

Put Your Subconscious to Work

Start thinking about your character, how they came to this place and time, and what will happen to them in the course of the story. What stumbling blocks will materialize to thwart the character’s goal? The more your conscious and sub-conscious brain are working on developing your MC (main character), and defining the scenario, any subplots, the central conflict, and how it will all resolve, the sooner your story will take shape.

How to Learn More About Write Club

As I mentioned earlier, our tiny little writer’s workshop is open to a few new members. Here’s a little more about us.

Write Club is an online writers’ group for short story authors. We are seeking a few writers with experience who are looking for an online writing community for mutual support, writing critique and comradery.

Although Write Club is small, we are distributed across the globe, and we connect with one another through our Discord server. Discord makes it possible for us to benefit from involvement in a writing community, so we get support and feedback for our stories, without traveling or taking too much time away from everything else going on in our lives — especially writing!

The Focus of Write Club: Getting Our Work Published

In Write Club, we are all short story writers with a focus on writing for mainstream publications, literary journals and genre magazines. We are committed to publishing our work in the many professional publications and short story anthologies accepting submissions. Some of our members are successfully published, and others are on their way, with the help of the honest yet caring critiques from our workshop members.

How Does the Community Work?

Each month we launch a new writing prompt. Write Club members are required to write a short story based on the prompt, and then review and critique each other’s stories. These requirements are central to who we are. Every writer needs an outside eye to help them see what they may have missed and to provide perspective. This invaluable feedback can make all the difference in taking a story from promising to published.

The next phase is to revise our stories based on the workshop feedback, and (optionally) do another round of critiques. This method helps us to prepare our manuscripts for professional editors.

If you are a short story writer and are intrigued by Write Club, here are two options:

  1. Watch for our monthly writing prompts, which are published at the beginning of each month on Feel free to use them to inspire your short stories. You can post them on Hive, Medium, Vocal, your WordPress blog, or wherever you like. Note that we do not offer critiques for those who are not members of our workshop. This is just for inspiration!
  2. If you are serious about short story writing and want to submit your work to publications such as literary, sci-fi or horror magazines, you are also welcome to check out our Write Club workshop.

How to Check Out Write Club

If you’re interested, the next step is to review the prerequisites:

  • You should already have a strong foundation in short story writing, excellent English skills, and a desire to continue your development as a fiction writer.
  • You should have the goal of publishing your work in professional publications.
  • You must be ready to commit to monthly deadlines, including drafting and revising stories.
  • You must be willing to provide helpful feedback to other writers and support their journey as well as your own.
  • Most importantly, you must have an open mind to accept critique of your own work so that you can revise and polish your stories.

To connect with us and check out our workshop, just pop in as a visitor in our Discord server and tell us about your interests. We would love to connect with you to see if it seems like we’re a good fit for your writing journey!

Looking for Writing Resources?

I love to share tips and ideas about creative writing! Here are two treasure troves for you:

  • You can find many of my tips and resources on my website, in the On Writing section.
  • I also share writing tips in The Ink Well community on Hive. See the complete catalog for the full list of articles.

Have fun and keep writing!

About Jayna Locke

Somewhere in Minnesota coverJayna Locke is a Minnesota writer who has had a lifelong love of fiction. Her short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals, including Great Lakes Review, Portage Magazine, and Bright Flash Literary Review, as well as several anthologies.

Her collection of short stories, Somewhere in Minnesota, is available from AmazonBarnes & Noble and Kirk House Publishers, and indie bookstores. She is reachable through her contact form at or on X at

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