Ever since my 50-word short story writing community was tasked with writing micro-fiction stories based on the prompt of “lemon,” I have had lemons on my mind.
What is it about this little fruit that captivates me so?

Lemons are at the heart of so many delicious things, from lemon bars to lemon drops, lemon curd (on hot scones, oh my!), and lemon meringue pie. And oh how I love a lemony chicken piccata!
A lemon is such a tart little thing, and yet so tasty when added to almost anything. It enhances the flavors of sweet and savory foods alike. And what could be more refreshing on a hot summer day than fresh squeezed lemons with some ice, water and sugar, aka lemonade?

But the real reason for this post is that I wanted to share some of the charming and earnest writing that came out of my 50-word writing challenge last week from the prompt of “lemon.”
In the post I published at the end of the week of lemon-inspired creative writing, I highlighted some of the most intriguing stories submitted for the challenge. But I was also mesmerized by the stories that weren’t stories. They were like zest — little explosions of lemon love.
So I’m circling back today to share some of these tasty morsels with you. They may not qualify as fiction, but they are truly fun to read, nevertheless, and I can almost guarantee you will be craving something lemony and delicious when you read them!
Lemon Unicorn Birthday Cake, by @pyrowngs
This author just happened to be making a lemon cake for her daughter’s birthday when she saw the opportunity to write a 50-word short inspired by lemon.
“I want a lemon cake.” she said. “I want a fancy cake, with many layers.” She had been watching a lot of cooking & baking shows. “I want to help make it!” she added. After many hours of baking and mixing frosting colors, she had the most amazing birthday cake!
The Cake Bow, by purpledaisy57
This author’s composition makes me want to run to my kitchen and start pulling out mixing bowls and filling my kitchen with the aroma of lemony baking.
Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.
Flour, eggs, sugar, extract and zest, don’t forget the buttermilk and butter too.
Mix well, place in a lined loaf pan.
Into the oven and wait.
Oh the wonderful smell of baking.
Drizzle the icing all over, slice and eat.
A delicious lemon cake.
Ode to Cave Johnson, by the @theironfelix
This one just makes me giggle. I don’t know what a combustional lemon is, but I love the childlike quality of this writing, and the life advice tucked into the third stanza — as if all you need is some lemons, and it’s all good.
Yellow, squeesy, oval, sour and tasty!
Oh what is its name?
Oh it’s lemon, lemon, lemon!C’mon, listen o’er here now:
when life gives you lemons,
just make some combustional lemons!Now you listen to me!
Don’t take life’s bull crap,
but try not to mind.Withal, use them combustional lemons!
Thanks, as always, for reading!